Other Treatments

Vacuum Suction
In this treatment a small cup shaped receptacle (connected to an vacuum pump) is moved over the skin. The vacuum bring waste products nearer to the skin and by moving the cup they can be moved towards the lymph nodes thereby helping to improve lymphatic drainage

In cupping small cups which can create a vacuum are placed on the skin. In the same way as for vacuum suction waste products are brought nearer to the skin.
When the cups are removed the skin is massaged to move the waste products towards the lymph nodes to improve lymphatic drainage.

Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. It involves the insertion of very thin needles into the skin at strategic points on the body.
I use it to give pain relief, for relaxation and stimulation and to promote healthy muscles.

Shockwave Therapy
Shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment in which sound energy is targeted at areas with tissue damage. It stimulates the body’s natural healing process and in some cases can break up deposits of calcium.
It can relieve pain and promote the healing of injured tendons, ligaments and other soft tissues.

The Thumper (trade name)
The Thumper is a hand-held percussive device that transmits energy deep into the muscle tissue releasing tension through all the fascia layers.
It can be used on most muscle groups and is great for warming up muscles, increasing blood flow to the area being treated as well as releasing muscle tension and fatigue.